Friends with Co-Benefits
As a start-up we know that many hands make light work, so we’re always excited to connect with others who are working towards the greater good and we’d like you to meet our friends at Co-Benefits, a Kiwi non-profit who are dedicated to doing their part by taking meaningful climate action all over the planet.
Co-Benefits have high hopes for a fairer low-carbon future and would love for you to be a part of the journey. Donating to their projects is a high-impact, yet cost-effective way to tread a little lighter on the planet we call home.
Learn more & join the Co-Benefits crowdfund today
"As a part of the collective, I feel like I am making a real difference to both the planet and to the lives of others. I can track where my money goes and the impact it's creating. It's cool to see all the projects we're supporting do so much good for communities around the world"
Alice, New Zealand
For the price of just one coffee per week, the crowdfund can:
Within a month…
Save the same emissions as 16 native trees growing for 20 years.
Within a year…
Save over 3x the emissions of swapping to an electric car for 0.5% of the cost.
Why join the collective?
"With a little girl, climate change weighs heavy on my mind but I don't have the energy to look into everything myself. Joining Co-Benefits is a weight off. Knowing I'm having a meaningful impact is so uplifting and I'm feeling more hopeful about the future than ever.
Jessica, New Zealand
Learn more & join the Co-Benefits crowdfund today